Monday, 25 January 2016

And Now For Something Completely Different......

Like many a crafter, collector and miniaturist I am always thinking of the next project, the next fun thing to create or the next beautiful piece to buy.
After all the flowers are done and planted I intend to have a mini project break and these are my new treasures I want to showcase.
 Domes of all shapes and sizes seem to be a bit of a decorating rage at the moment and I picked up a large dome in the Marks and Spencer sale a few months ago. When I saw Jo Medvenic's new Downton Abbey dowager I knew I had a prime piece for my dome.
Unfortunately, this dome did not have a base and after much thought I decided to use a cake board as the circular base. I intend to cover the silver paper with oak floorboards and look for a circular rug when I attend this year's shows. 
It seemed meant to be when I saw the silver silken dowager on Julie Cambell's magnificent stand at the Christmas Kensington Fair and I brought her home with me to meet her new friend.
These wonderful ladies will make a great display in my living room so the colours are perfect to fit in with my current colour scheme but now I need to decide what to do with the furniture pieces.
I have an unfinished Bespaq sofa, side table and plant stand purchased from Maritza Moran's Etsy shop as well as a chair that I hope will suit my Alice. Maritza is a very talented artisan who produces hand painted pieces of the highest quality for the most luxurious dolls house collectors, do take a look at her personal website, her work is amazing.
Now I don't aspire to such perfection for my dowagers but I do want to upholster and paint these pieces but have never attempted something like this before. 
I need to remove the current padding and with other pieces of furniture I have microwaved them to soften up the glue. I am assuming that this will still be the right thing to do with a piece of Bespaq.
I have Googled 'painting Bespaq' but so far not had any joy.
Essentially this is just bare wood so I am heading towards staining and varnish.
These pieces have quite a lot of fine detail so I am a bit worried about losing the detail by adding too much paint or varnish which is why I am going the stain route.
I am still awaiting my laser sheets from the US so I can't finish off my final blossom trees and bushes but I have finished all the plants now so it won't be long before I can play with my new toys!!


  1. Las dos señoras son impresionantes,perfectas,que expresión tienen en sus caras!!!
    Estoy segura que darás a esos muebles el aspecto que quieres,son preciosos!!

  2. Hi Janice. Lovely ladies! They look very much at home on the sofa. One thing about microwaving Bespaq is that they sometimes have fine metal pins holding legs on. I'd recommend sticking in a warm oven instead. I'm sure you'll do a beautiful job of the painting.

    1. Good shout Shannon. Thank you so much for the warning. It will be fun to try something new.

  3. Me encantan las dos damas.
    Seguro que conseguirás un perfecto y nuevo tapizado. Los muebles tienen un aspecto muy elegante.

  4. Unas señoras fantásticas, y en ese sofá quedan genial:-)

  5. Ahhhh these are ladies who lunch! :D
    I am always AMAZED by the quality of dolls these days! These 2 matrons have not only great character in their faces, but their hair, poses and the drape of their costumes are so beautifully done, that having them displayed inside a glass dome is the PERFECT way to fully appreciate them! Bespac's furniture pieces are ALWAYS a wonderful backdrop and these 2 wouldn't wish to settle for anything Less! :))


    1. Doll making is a real art form isn't it Elizabeth. I have a few favourite artisans and seem to mostly collect from them. These domes are great for displaying real treasures around the house.


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