I have recently come across a really helpful group on FaceBook, Making Dolls House Flowers in all Scales, which is full of wonderful artists and hobbyists who are really generous with their advice and tips. I saw some lovely flowers by Kathy Brindle and discovered that she has a range of her own kits. I asked if she would be kind enough to sell me a selection of her range and today I received them all the way from Western Australia. Quicker than some UK Ebay sellers!
I have chosen a selection of white kits as I can then paint them in any colour I choose. I am hoping to have a go at one of the kits tomorrow depending on my progress with the chimney stacks for the Honeydukes roof.
After many days of cutting and painting the beams have been glued onto the walls of the attic.
I have also fitted some LED strip lighting behind the false back wall. I am not sure how effective this will be but it will provide some ambient light if nothing else.
Today I have been working on the tall, skinny chimneys for the roof. Getting the angle right on my table saw proved rather challenging to say the least and I seem to have quite a lot of strangely shaped off cuts in my bin! Now I have the correct angle set I am hoping the dormer windows will not prove quite so problematic.
I also need to fit the hinges for the front roof panel, a task I am gearing myself up for. I have missed a trick with the roof and should not have designed it with the whole piece lifting but it is too late now.
Oh well, wish me luck.