Friday, 19 August 2011

And the Winners Are............

Thank you everyone for taking the time to leave a comment as part of my floral giveaway.
My draw was done in the most simple of ways.
I asked my husband to call out a number between 1 and 88 as there were a couple of duplicate comments and a follower who emailled me.

The first number called was 12 (the door number of his first house apparently) ......... Victoria of Dark Squirrel Miniatures

The second number was  68 ( Manchester United won their first European Cup in 1968 ) ...... Fatima of Las Mimis de Fatimay  

And lastly, number 88 ( because 'two fat ladies' is his favourite bingo number, I didn't ask! ) ........ Doreen of Doreen's Miniatures & Memoires 

Congratulations ladies. I will hopefully contact you in the next day or so to obtain addresses.
Have a fabulous weekend wherever you are.